You can donate to support
neohasid's work!
Suggested donation for Laments: $3, or 50¢ per copy for multiple copies; for the Omer app, $5. Support neohasid in general with a donation of $13 (unity, love) or $18 (life). No donation required. Please also use the voting prayer and other resources. Any support you give is appreciated!
Go to mightycause to make a donation online. The url for the campaign is

You can also send a donation via venmo to David-RM-Seidenberg, or send a check made out to Rabbi David Seidenberg, 11 Winter St., Northampton MA, 01060.
You can also support this work by joining neohasid's email list (about four emails per month) or by inviting Rabbi David Seidenberg to teach in your synagogue or community on eco-Torah, spirituality and ecology, dance, Maimonides, Kabbalah, astronomy and more. Get more information about David's teaching here and about his book Kabbalah and Ecology here, and find links to some of David's publications here.
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