Reflections and Kvetches
It's hard to say whether the "new Jewish culture" that neo-Hasidism is at least tangentially a part of is about something more substantial than latte foam. If neo-Hasidism means a style or a trend, hopes to be something more than "trendy", more than style. From the other side of the glass, if we truly need a revolution in how we think about community and religion, or a revelation of new forms of Jewish community, it's hard to explain how singing a nigun can make that happen. Yet that is at least part of the vision of what this neo-Hasidism is or could be about.
This section explores where we're going, where we should be going, and what it all means. It's also a spot to explore some of the misses of this new culture, to air a kvetch or two about other folks and ourselves. You are invited to add your own entry here – see the Contribute section.
The fragility of blessings and the growth of a new Judaism.
Hipsterism vs. the alternative: Will the "new Jewish culture" take us anywhere we want to go?
"Neo-Chasidus" is an amalgam of trends and people. Who are your fellow travelers in, and out of, the Chasidic world?