Save the Negev Index ~ this section was last updated in 2012

photos courtesy of Bustan, Wadi el-Naam
Bedouin villages have been demolished to make way for Negev developmentIsrael's plan has been to "suburbanize" the Negev with Jewish settlementsScroll down for 20+ entries
Save the Negev asks you to sign the petition against the renewed destruction of Bedouin villages at
The basics: The Jewish National Fund's "Blueprint Negev" is a driving force in Negev development, but the environmental and social impact of Blueprint Negev has never been reviewed by outside parties. A positive future requires much more than the JNF—the gov't of Israel must decide to implement the best recommendations of the Goldberg report on Bedouin affairs. is a catalyst to get JNF-US, and Israel's government, to revise their plans for the Negev based on principles of sustainability and equitable development, so that what unfolds will both respect the earth and the Bedouin, and help all of Israeli citizens.
In advance of JNF's tree planting activities this Tu B'Shvat, the village of Al Arakib was once again demolished. For the ninth time...
Al-Arakib was demolished July 27, 2010, the first such destruction of a Bedouin village since the Goldberg Commission recommended recognizing the existing unrecognized villages.
A JNF project aims to develop a Bedouin model for sustainable, community-based agriculture.
Forests in the desert are no solution for global climate change.
Protect the Bedouin – Protect the desert
Almost all of the "unrecognized" Bedouin villages subject to demolition were created when the IDF moved the Bedouin out of the majority of the Negev over fifty years ago...
"Invisible Citizens: Israeli Government Policy Towards the Bedouin" – the full scoop on why there are "unrecognized" villages and why they need to be recognized.
An eco-built mosque (the first in Israel, perhaps the world, built by Moslems, Christians and Jews together) in the unrecognized village of Wadi el Na'am was demolished on Dec 25th. Please help rebuild it!
Resolution from the Jewish Renewal Rabbis and Cantors on Blueprint Negev
Planting a tree for the future sounds like second nature, a wise investment for both Israel and the planet. But whether you think about doing this at Tu Bish'vat or during the Omer when it's really planting time, it's a little more complicated than donating to JNF...
A deep cleavage already exists in the Negev...
Ideas for Revising Blueprint Negev, submitted to JNF-US
A brief update on the response of the JNF and our dialogue with them
What happened with the Goldberg Commission on Bedouin affairs, along with the letter we sent to the Commission.
The Goldberg Commission was established by the Government of Israel to present recommendations regarding the Bedouin settlement in the Negev. They are accepting comments through February 14th 2007.
How can you give directly to KKL in Israel?
Press releases, satellite photos, more links, and a short video of A-tir.
If you are planning to sponsor trees in Israel for Tu Bishvat, please read this page about current and historical concerns with KKL-JNF.
Read, and comment on a petition to JNF-US about Blueprint Negev. Sign and circulate it for Tu Bishvat!
"ILA Destroys Bedouin Homes to Make Way for Jewish Town"
A Negev without Bedouin? – the vision of one of JNF-US's Israeli partners
Does Bedouin culture really know how to use and live in the Negev desert sustainably?
A brief report from Bustan, the foremost organization working with the Bedouin for sustainability, on Blueprint Negev.
Adalah, Bustan, documentary movies, articles from Haaretz, map links and more
From the authors: "The projects outlined in JNF-US's 'Blueprint Negev' have not been reviewed or endorsed by the KKL directorate or sustainability committee..."
Give to Bustan. Give to this campaign.
The split between JNF-UK and KKL
"The Bedouin would not live on his land with his herds, but would become an urban person who comes home in the afternoon and puts his slippers on...[W]ithin two generations...this phenomenon of the Bedouins will disappear."