Avinu Malkeinu - Klezmer - Chabad version
This nigun was the beautiful gift of an evening of klezmer. I heard it in one of the most intimate settings I've experienced, at the very end of the evening, in a bar the size of a living room; with less than a minyan of Yidn and other folks, the band almost outnumbered us. I think it's the best version of this nigun I've heard.
The words for this nigun are to a different line from Avinu Malkeinu than the song most people know: Avinu Malkeinu, Ein Lanu Melekh, Ein Lanu Melekh, Eleh Atah "Our Father our King, we have no king, we have no ruler, except for You."
Download Avinu Malkeinu – Klezmer [.mp3]
Download this link to the rebbe singing Avinu Malkeinu, from Heichal Neginah [.ram]
Listen to Avinu Malkeinu sung by Chasidim (in three consecutive recordings), from Heichal Neginah [.ram]
– Sorry folks, I can't convert the Real Audio (.ram) files to mp3. When I use these links, I need to download the link to my desktop and then open it from there. If you use RealPlayer, it might be simpler. About the klezmer recording: Getting this mp3 together was quite a challenge – it involved some heavy editing both because of ambient noise and because the original recording started in the middle of the opening phrase. I had to transplant individual notes from other parts of the recording both to recompose the intro and to clean up a few other parts. That means it only approximates the musicians' intent—pretty well I hope, and certainly well enough for it to be very worth listening to. But please keep in mind, the original was even better. | | Egalitarian Avinu? A straight feminine version of Avinu Malkeinu would be Imeinu Malkateinu "Our Mother our Queen". A more open image that I've used in place of both of these is Om'neinu Moshel Aleinu "Our nourisher, who rules over us." The words are still grammatically masculine, but they can be applied to either gender. Omein in particular is the word Moshe used when he described himself as someone nursing a child (in this case the child is Am Yisra'el); it generally means a nursemaid (omenet). |
The music was great, but there was no Avinu Malkeinu- no words
We've fixed that now! See above. - DS
Posted by: Judy
September 11, 2007 10:12 PM
I appreciate the attempts at fiinding gender-neutral, "nurturing" images, but the fact remains that Hebrew does not allow for real neutral and the masculine, regardless of anyone's protestations, is exclusive.
Posted by: rivka
September 21, 2007 9:22 PM
I love to listen to this version of this beautiful prayer. I thoroughly enjoy the two variations you have provided and I sing all three. I do not mind the limitations of Hebrew as far as gender, at this point in my life.
Posted by: Hyla
December 4, 2007 5:14 AM