Confessions of a Jewish Post-Postmodernist
Rabbi David Seidenberg's meditations on the crash of modernity, the weight of history, and the question of freedom, from Response journal 1994.
R. Menachem Froman
R. Menachem Froman, Menachem Yehoshua ben Leah Raizel, needs our prayers for healing. Find out more about his peace work here.
Save the Negev
Protect the Bedouin – Protect the desert
Jockey Full of Bourbon
The Moshav Band's cover is bowdlerized.
Rav Kook
Quotes from Abraham Isaac Kook on evolution, science, etc.
Israel and Tisha B'Av
What is the real meaning of Tish'a B'Av? Should we still observe Tish'a B'Av now that we "have" Israel?
The Rebbe's Ohel
Visiting the Lubavitcher Rebbe's Ohel on his yahrzeit.
Whose hat?
Canfei Nesharim and the Fortressing of Orthodoxy
Why no longer links to CN.
Ohalah Resolution on Blueprint Negev
Resolution from the Jewish Renewal Rabbis and Cantors on Blueprint Negev
The Giving Tree: A Way to Honor Our Vision for Israel
Planting a tree for the future sounds like second nature, a wise investment for both Israel and the planet. But whether you think about doing this at Tu Bish'vat or during the Omer when it's really planting time, it's a little more complicated than donating to JNF...
The Kabbalah Centre
A look at the Kabbalah Centre on the publication of Jody Myer's new book, Kabbalah and the Spiritual Quest
Featured Links
To the Shtibl minyan, Modzitzer nigunim>, "Divan", Jewschool, and more...
Links and more links – culture, learning, etc.
Links to Jewish learning, engaged Torah, culture, film, music, with websites from a few shuls and rabbis, both Orthodox and liberal, for good measure.
Beautiful Struggles
Over a hundred blog sites that explore what it means to move between the tradition and the real world, to explore the boundaries or live on the edge.
Grace Paley z"l
Grace Paley was an extraordinary woman, teacher, and truthteller.
Dovid Zeller z"l
Rabbi David Zeller, masterful teacher, sweet singer, and true pilgrim, was a teacher for so so many people who bridged those worlds that define what we call "neohasid"...
Corporate Raiders
The fragility of blessings and the growth of a new Judaism.
The extraordinary gathering of X-O's and others exploring the "handbreadth" within which heaven and earth overlap.
Chulent Times: 'City of Refuge'
Jennifer Bleyer's article on Chulent from the March 18th edition of the New York Times.
Karen Liebowitz

Uman Uman Rosh Hashanah!
X-O = ex-Orthodox – refugees, doubters and seekers from the hood.
Hipsterism vs. the alternative: Will the "new Jewish culture" take us anywhere we want to go?
Spiritual Journeys
"Neo-Chasidus" is an amalgam of trends and people. Who are your fellow travelers in, and out of, the Chasidic world?
"Jacques Derrida's Impact On Jewish Studies"
A 2004 obituary for the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, by David Seidenberg