The Panoply of Symbols for the Sefirot
The Kabbalah assigns every symbol to one or more of the Sefirot. Here is a list of some of the many symbols and correspondences one can find. It comes from Dr. Eliezer Siegel in Calgary. Each of the following lists for each Sefirah is found on Jewish Virtual Library under the name of the Sefirah. Nava Shoham (1-800-ketubah.com) collated all of these entries onto one page, which I've reproduced here (using some of her font colors) with some corrections. This image of the Sefirot here is found all over the web. I've added directions and some alternate names in yellow to the image. If anyone knows the source or artist please let me know. Another image of the Sefirot with different colors can be found here, along with more information about their structure.

KETER, Keter Elyon, Arikh Anpin–the Longsuffering (literally: the Long-faced) One.
Translation: The Supreme Crown.
Description: Keter is the uppermost aspect of the Sefirot that can be contemplated by humans. Even so, this Sefirah is rarely discussed by the Kabbalists. Later traditions speak of it radiating 620 "pillars of light."
Human Imagery: (Primordial Man) Crown. The hoary head. The hairs of the beard.
Names of God: The point at the tip of the letter "yod" in the Tetragrammaton (the four-letter name of God). Ehyeh (a form of "I shall be").
Colour: Yellow or None.
Other Symbols and Images: Primordial Ether "Nothingness," the negation of all thought. "He." The Ancient Holy One. Before. Supernal East. The origin of Will, The dew of Hermon.
Translation: Wisdom.
Description: Chokhmah represents the contemplative, synthetic aspects of God's thought. It is the primordial point of creation from which all knowable reality originates. There are "32 paths" of Wisdom.
Human Imagery: (Primordial Man) Right brain.
Biblical Figures: King Solomon.
Names of God Yah The letter "yod" of the four-letter Name of God: (the Tetragrammaton).
Other Symbols and Images: Primordial Point. "There is" (Yesh), Being (as in "Being out of 'Nothingness'"). Beginning. Eden. The origin of Thought. Seed. Fountain. Will. Depth. Father.
Translation: Understanding, Discernment.
Description: Binah refers to the analytic, distinguishing aspects of God's thought. It is the uppermost feminine element in the Godhead, and is symbolized as the mother of the Shekhinah. Many of the symbols associated with Binah are therefore identical to those of the Shekhinah. Having received the seed from Chokhmah, Binah conceived and gave birth to the seven lower Sefirot. There are fifty "Gates of Understanding."
Human Imagery (Primordial Man): Forehead.
Biblical Figure: The Matriarch Leah.
Names of God: Elohim. The second letter (the Hebrew letter "heh") in the four-letter name of God (The "Tetragrammaton"). The Tetragrammaton when vocalized as the word "Elohim" ("God").
Other Symbols and Images: Supernal Mother, Supernal Shekhinah. Palace. Womb. "Who." Palace, Building. Repentance ("Return," Teshuvah). A river branching out into seven streams. Supernal Jubilee. The Hebrew Alphabet. Supernal Justice. Beersheba. Lebanon (identified in Jewish tradition with Jerusalem). Redemption. Vows.
CHESED, Gedulah
Translation: Love, Lovingkindness, Compassion, Greatness, Grace.
Description: Chesed represents the generous, benevolent (masculine) side of God. There are 72 "bridges" of Chesed.
Human Imagery (Primordial Man): Right arm.
Biblical Figure: Abraham.
Names of God: El. Supreme God (El 'Elyon).
Colour: White.
Other Symbols and Images: Upper waters, Water. Lion. Silver. South.
DIN, Gevurah
Translation: Judgment, Might, Power
Description: This Sefirah represents the fearsome powers of divine punishment and wrath in the world. This power is needed to maintain control over the universe. However, the destructive forces necessary to keep order and exact punishment also contain the seeds of demonic Evil: the "Other Side" (Sitra Ahra).
Human Imagery (Primordial Man): Left arm.
Biblical Figure: Isaac.
Name of God: Elohim.
Colour: Red.
Other Symbols and Images: The Heavenly Court. North. Fear (of Isaac;
see Genesis 31:53). Great fire, consuming fire. The severe attribute of justice. Gold. Bread, salt, wine, meat. Serpent. Darkness, night, cloud, mist. The bronze altar.
TIFERET, Rahamim, Ze'ir Anpin--the Impatient (literally: Short-faced) One.
Translation: Glory, beauty.
Description: Tiferet represents the ideal balance of Justice and Mercy needed for proper running of the universe. This Sefirah unites all the upper nine powers. Tif'eret is the offspring of Chokhmah and Binah.
Human Imagery (Primordial Man): Spine, torso.
Biblical Figures: Jacob/Israel. Moses. Adam.
Names of God: The Tetragrammaton (the four-letter name of God: YHVH). The Lord. The letter "Vav" of the Tetragrammaton. The Holy One, Blessed be He (the common epithet for God in Rabbinic literature).
Colours: Green. Purple.
Other Symbols and Images: Truth. Judgment (Mishpat, like the scales or balance of Justice). Humility. Heaven. The sun, day. Harmony. The Tree of Life. The Written Torah, Torah scroll. Milk and honey. The candelabrum (menorah). The golden altar. King. Bridegroom or prince who strives to be united with the Shekhinah. Their union produces the human soul. "Thou" (atah); "Anokhi" (a poetic form of "I").
Translation: Eternity, Endurance, Victory.
Description: This Sefirah represents God's active grace in the world.
Human Imagery (Primordial Man): Right leg.
Biblical Figure: Moses.
Name of God: YHVH Tzeva'ot (The Lord of Hosts)
Other Symbols and Images: The right pillar "Yachin" in the Temple (1 Kings 7:21)
Translation: Majesty.
Description: Hod represents the lower channel through which God's judgment comes down to the world. It is also associated with the power of prophecy. Hod and Netzach are often treated as a complementary pair.
Human Imagery (Primordial Man): Left leg.
Biblical Figures: Aaron.
Name of God: Elohim Tzeva'ot (God of Hosts).
Other Symbols and Images: The left pillar "Boaz" in the Temple (1 Kings 7:21).
Translation: Foundation.
Description Yesod is the channel through which Tiferet strives to unite with the Shekhinah and pass on the creative and benevolent divine forces.
Human Imagery (Primordial Man): This Sefirah is symbolized as the male phallus, sanctified through the covenant of circumcision.
Biblical Figures: Joseph. Tamar.
Names of God: El Hay or Elohim Hayyim (The Living God), Eternal Life. El Shaddai (God Almighty). Adon (Master).
The point at the bottom tip of the Vav in the Tetragrammaton.
Other Symbols and Images: The Tree of Life. The Source of Living Waters. The Righteous One. All (hakol). Covenant, rainbow. Sign. Statute (chok), commandment (mitzvah). Remembrance. The Holy Mountain, the good mountain, Mount Zion. Redeemer, Redemption "This" (masc.–"zeh") Oath. Lower Hesed.
Translation: God's Presence, Kingdom.
Description: The Shekhinah is a Talmudic concept representing God's dwelling and immanence in the created world. It was equated with the "K'neset Yisrael," the personified spirit of the People of Israel. According to a Rabbinic tradition, the Shekhinah shares in the exiles of the Jewish people. Therefore, the redemption of the people of Israel is inextricably linked to the remedying of an alienation within God him/herself, introducing a bold new element into traditional Jewish Messianic eschatology. It is through the Shekhinah that humans can experience the Divine. The passivity of the Shekhinah is often emphasized (equated with its femininity),
as the recipient of forces from the higher Sefirot.
Human Imagery (Primordial Man): Mouth
The Shekhinah is often portrayed as a bride or princess whose male lover is the composite of the nine upper sefirot, represented by the prince/bridegroom Tiferet.
Biblical Figures: King David. The Matriarch Rachel.
Name of God: Adonai (Lord, spelled Aleph Dalet Nun Yod). The last letter "he" in the four-letter name of God ("the Tetragrammaton"). Elohim (when it receives more influences from the Left side).
Colours: Blue. black.
Other Symbols and Images: Pool, sea, wellspring, gathering of the waters, Beersheba (literally: "The Well of the Seven"). Earth, dry land (when deprived of nourishment from Hesed). Bedrock. West. Temple, Tent of Meeting, Mount Moriah. The Land of Israel "I" "This" (fem.–"zot"). Mirror. Rose. Throne of Glory. Justice. Garden of Eden. The Tree of Knowledge. The poor one. Apple Orchard. The Oral Torah. Blessing. Freedom. Sabbath, Sabbatical year (in some systems), Jubilee. The End of Thought. All. Eagle.
The Moon, which is the passive reflector of light from the sun. In a manner appropriate to the redemption of God and Israel, the moon renews itself each month.
Queen Bride Daughter / Princess. The Royal House of David. Matron.
The erotic and romantic phrases of the Song of Songs and Prophetic imagery are evoked to represent the longing of Tiferet and Shekinah, the male and female elements of the Godhead, for each other.