The Baal Shem Tov, or Besht —  the founder of Chasidism — 
met the soul of the Messiah during an ascent to heaven. 
The Besht asked him, "When will the Master come?" 
The Messiah answered, "When your wellsprings break forth to the outside!" 
(from a letter written by the Besht to his brother-in-law about one of his soul ascents) 


Ashrei Ha'am

An easily learned Karliner nigun for the second line of Ashrei.

A Karlin Dance Nigun

One of the simpler Karliner nigunim, wonderful for table singing and dancing

Karliner torch song

Reb Ahron Karliner's nigun as taught to Eve Ilsen

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Design in progress © Rabbi David Mevorach Seidenberg 2006, 2007