Download alternative Ba'nu Choshekh here, four to a page!
Some years ago, I heard the song Ba'nu Choshekh for the first time at the Chanukah concert of my son's Jewish day school. This was a school with a fair number of Jews of color. I was pretty shocked to hear, "Begone Blackness!"
The lyrics of Ba'nu Choshekh promulgate an idea of light vs. dark that has had horrifying repercussions throughout history. Here's a translation of the whole short song:
We come to banish darkness, in our hands light and fire. Each one of us a little light, but all together we are a mighty light. Get away darkness, begone black, flee before the light!
I know that no one who loves the song today or in the past – certainly not the Yemenite composer, Sara Levi-Tanai – sings it with racist intentions. But structural racism is mostly not based on intentions.
There's more to criticize in the song, as I discovered when I got a telescope and started doing amateur astronomy. So many people in the developed world can hardly see the stars, certainly not to the awe-inspiring depth that is revealed when one can see the Milky Way.
The next year, I got involved in a campaign to stop the installation of LED street lights in Northampton that have sadly dimmed our view of the stars. That gave me three reasons to reject the imagery of Ba'nu Choshekh.
Fundamentally, the idea that somehow we are trying to defeat the dark on Chanukah is foolish.
Darkness is essential to the warp and weave of this world, as much as light.
In fact, the halakhah agrees: Chanukah candles are not kosher if their flames come together "like a torch" –
they must be separated by darkness in order to fulfill the mitzvah. That is not an idle or meaningless rule. As I wrote, "No one sits in front of the menorah thinking, 'I can’t wait for these candles to grow so bright that there’s no more darkness.' Darkness is the condition that makes the candles beautiful and sweet."
We are planting seeds of light with the small flames of our lit wicks, seeds that grow in the soil of darkness.
People have written a few new versions of Ba'nu Choshekh in response to these problems. I like my full rewrite best, but I'll share three versions here. The second one, from Rabbi Jill Hammer, is especially useful because it only changes four words. I have laid out my version and Rabbi Jill's version, as well as a version combining the two, four to a sheet, in PDF format, so you can easily download, print, and share any of them. (They also match up back-to-back, if you want to teach both versions.)
1) First, here's the version on the pdf, which uses the verse I wrote plus the chorus from Rabbi Jill Hammer's version. This song is about responding to solstice and reflecting on the place of our fire within the natural world:
Hebrew transliteration:
Translation: |
Hebrew: |
Banu choshekh l'kadesh |
We come to sanctify the dark, |
בָּאנוּ חָשֵׁךְ לְקַדֵּשׁ |
Kodem shemesh titchadesh |
Before the sun renews its light |
קוֹדֶם שֶׁמֶשׁ תִּתְחַדֵּשׁ |
B’yadeinu or v’ner |
In our hands, may light and flame |
בְּיָדֵינוּ אוֹר וְנֵר |
Leil kasalmah l’fa’er
Bejewel the tapestry of night. |
לֵיל כַּשַּׂלְמָה לְפָאֵר |
Gar’inim shel esh va-or |
Seeds of fire and of light |
גַּרְעִינִים שֶׁל אֵשׁ וָאוֹר |
Bohakim mitokh hash’chor |
Radiant within the night! |
בּוֹהֲקִים מִתּוֹךְ הַשְׁחוֹר |
Kumah choshekh aleh sh'chor |
Come up darkness, rise up night, |
קוּמָה חוֹשֶׁךְ עֲלֵה שְחוֹר |
Kumah, likrat ha-or! (x2) |
Come up, to greet the light! |
קוּמָה לִקְרַאת הָאוֹר |
Download just this version of Ba'nu Choshekh L'kadesh here, four to a page!
2) The next one, from Rabbi Jill Hammer with a tweak from me, transforms the meaning with only slight changes to the wording:
Banu choshekh l’kadesh
B’yadeinu or va’esh
Kol echad hu or katan V’khulanu or eitan |
We’ve come to sanctify the dark,
in our hands a little spark
Each of us a tiny light,
and together we’re so bright.
באנו חושך לְקַדֵּש
בידינו אור ואש
כל אחד הוא אור קטן
וכולנו אור איתן
Kumah choshekh aleh sh'chor |
Come up darkness, rise up night, |
קוּמָה חוֹשֶׁךְ עֲלֵה שְחוֹר |
Kumah, likrat ha-or! (x2) |
Come up, to greet the light! |
קוּמָה לִקְרַאת הָאוֹר |
Download this version and two others, four to a sheet, in PDF format
3) The third version comes from the website Nashimahut. Note: this is an all-Hebrew site, and the translation (by me) is literal rather than singable:
Banu choshekh l'kabeil |
We come to receive darkness, |
באנו חושך לקבל |
b'tokheinu or vatsel |
within us light and shadow, |
בתוכנו אור וצל |
Kol achat hi or gadol |
each one is a great light |
כל אחת היא אור גדול |
mit'rachev l'khol yakhol |
expanding to become all-powerful. |
מתרחב לכל יכול |
n'chabek et hash'chor |
Let us embrace the black, |
נחבק את השחור |
na'atof oto ba'or |
we will enfold it in light, |
נעטוף אותו באור |
ki mitokh hakhi hash'chor |
for within the very blackness |
כי מתוך הכי שחור |
mitgaleh gar'in ha'or |
seeds of light are revealed! |
מתגלה גרעין האור |
4) Lastly, here is a second version of the chorus that I wrote -- probably too complicated for most settings but still something I'd like to share:
Nish’talenu gar’in esh |
We will plant the fire’s seed |
נִשְׁתֳּלֶנּוּ גַּרְעִין אֵשׁ |
Bad hachoshekh m’lapef |
Held enwrapped in darkness’ weave |
בַּד הַחוֹשֶׁךְ מְלַפֵּף |
Gar’inim shel esh va-or |
Seeds of fire and of light |
גַּרְעִינִים שֶׁל אֵשׁ וָאוֹר |
Bohakim mitokh hash’chor |
Radiant within the night! |
בּוֹהֲקִים מִתּוֹךְ הַשְׁחוֹר |
Download this version and two others, four to a sheet, in PDF format