Use this haggadah to unlock the mysteries and hidden structure of the seder. Based on the Beit Midrash Ruach v'Lev sessions on "Unlocking the Mysteries of the Haggadah".
On the earth and soil and afra d'ara
iPhone app and **Android** app to count the Omer!!!
~ understand exactly why so much is based on fours (and why we insist on turning 3 matzot into 4 matzot), these teachings are the foundation for the Haggadah of the Inner Seder
This nigun is sung for hours on the second night of Pesach after counting the first night of the Omer in Brooklyn. It's a great nigun for any Chasidish dancing, and for any night of the Omer!
A strange rule about Chamets can teach us some profound lessons.
One from R' David Siff, one from R' David Seidenberg
Each day between the beginning of Passover and Shavuot gets counted, 49 days in all, 7 weeks of seven days. Here are the words we say and some of the meaning behind the ritual.
Once a year there is Jewish custom is to say a special blessing on flowering fruit trees. It happens in spring, especially during the Omer, but it's also a good teaching for Tu Bish'vat. You'll also find some other good tree texts here.
Get the Omer Counter widget! Plus other pages on the Omer.
At Yachats we split the middle matsah, inviting the stranger to share a fragment of broken matsah that wouldn't be even enough for one.
The Besh"t on the Pesach sacrifice and raising the holy sparks.
There's one important symbol that we don't explain or mention even once in the Passover seder: the
charoset. Why?
A nigun for the second Psalm of Hallel, B'tseit Yisrael, "When Israel went out of Egypt..."
A dance nigun to replace the tune most folks know for "V'hi She'amdah".