Laments: A Fresh Translation of Eikhah
Downloadable, printable Lamentations for use on Tish'a B'Av, in PDF and Davkawriter formats, with linear translation and an afterword on theodicy and theologyNachamu (Listen)
Reb Zalman's Nachamu, for the turning of Tisha B'av, or the turning of mourning, towards hope.
The Shalom Center's "Eicha for the Earth"
"A Ceremony of Sorrow, Hope, & Action", on the Shalom Center website, which contains many more resources and ideasKinah LeKhurban Gan Eden
Cantor Richard Kaplan's eco-lament for Tisha B'Av
Eli Tsiyon led by the Satmar rebbe
The classical kinah (lament) for Tisha B'Av, as led by the Satmar rebbe in Bethlehem NH, 2014. The tune is slightly different than the one most of us know, but you'll be able to recognize it if you listen carefully. Recording starts at the third verse.Y'kum Purkan Lish'maya ~ A Prayer for the Earth
When we feel the fire of the sun and remember the fire that burned the Temples, it's a good time to pray for this Earth, our Temple.Breaking Open the Abyss – on Tisha B'Av and Environmental Destruction
When King David disturbs the foundation stone of the world, the waters of the t'hom, the abyss, rise up through the breach King David has made, threatening to destroy the worldLen Fellman's "transtropilation" of Eihkah
has been resurrected on Get the pdf of his ecletic English translation of Lamentations with trop!Reb David Seidenberg's articles on Tisha B'Av: