New Songs

During COVID I've started composing some melodies for Jewish liturgy, shabbat, hallel, etc.
Below are the songs I feel ready to share – please send me your feedback!
It follows a fairly standard pattern for L'kha Dodi of ABAC.
This melody is pretty straightforward Jewish-sounding, but its rhythms specifically fit the pattern of the Psalm. The Psalm begins with the words Mizmor L'David, which are *not* part of the tune. Note: I am not sure, but I have a feeling some of this melody may be cribbed from someone else's tune – if you recognize a source please let me know!
The tune is mostly the same as L'kha Dodi, though the pattern is ABCA rather than ABAC, and there's one note changed to a sharp. The words come from Psalm 118:5-7.
This tune uses just the A and C parts of L'kha Dodi (and changes one note in the middle of the C part, same as Min Hameitsar), which gives it more elevation. The verses are Psalm 118:21-24. In this part of Hallel, each verse is recited twice.
People who know me might be surprised at such an upbeat carnival-esque tune. The tune follows the tradition of singing each verse three times. The tune is based on the tune for Tsur Mishelo I wrote (next song), but does not include the slightly angsty fourth melodic line.
This song recapitulates all of Birkat Hamazon in its four verses. The pattern is A-A' (chorus repeated) and then B-C for the verses.
To come: tunes to try out for Mah Yedidut and V'shamru.
Someday the first part of this might turn into a singing nigun -- but the range of the whole piece as composed here is too wide for most singers.